What is the benefits of PHP7?


by sidney , in category: Technology , 3 years ago

What is the benefits of PHP7?

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1 answer


by melvina , 3 years ago

PHP7 is a breakthrough in the programming world with its features outshining the features of all other versions to date. It offers myriad benefits to PHP coders such as-

  1. Double speed- Coders have been working really hard to scale up the speed and reduce the memory consumption and they have finally succeeded in doing so. PHP7 brings 50% better performance as compared with PHP5 and also reduces the consumption of resources.
  2. Supports error handling– Handling errors have always been a tedious task for PHP coders. But with the latest update in PHP7, engine exceptions will allow coders to handle and replace these errors with exceptions. However, PHP will continue to send errors like PHP5 if the exceptions are not caught.
  3. 64-bit windows support system– PHP7 supports 64-bit architecture machines.
  4. Anonymous classes– In PHP7, anonymous classes have been supported via a new class. This can be used in place of new class definitions.
  5. New spaceship and null coalescing operators– This feature in PHP7 allows comparison of two expressions. Comparisons are performed according to PHP’S type comparison rules. It aids the sorting process.