What is the easiest programming language?


by ashlynn , in category: Technology , 3 years ago

What is the easiest programming language?

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1 answer


by kenny , 3 years ago

HTML is one of the easiest programming languages. It stands for Hypertex Markup Language and it tells a computer how to display a webpage. HTML usually combines with CSS which is how you would style a page.

HTML uses tags and labels that define what kind of text ends up on a page. The tags define almost everything from font size up to hyperlinks. For example, a tag could create a table and gives the programmer the ability to customize rows, columns, width, etc. HTML is a good language to start with because it's the standard language for structuring web pages on the internet.

Due to its popularity, the number of courses available help making it an easy language to learn. The language itself is pretty simple and the tags follow consistent rules. This gives a new programmer the ability to quickly learn new HTML commands and functions.

HTML can be written in multiple editors and has a simple structure. Also, the language makes it easy to find and fix bugs quickly. As said before, it is supported by CSS to improve the style and also Javascript for running scripts. There are several HTML editors out there that offer more functionality and ease of use. This is helpful for validating code and checking for mistakes.