How to create a short url from a long one?


by adolf , in category: Technology , 2 years ago

How to create a short url from a long one?

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1 answer


by matilde , a year ago


To create a short URL from a long one, you can use a URL shortening service like Bitly, TinyURL, or These services allow you to input a long URL and generate a shorter, more manageable link that directs users to the original webpage.

To create a short URL, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the long URL that you want to shorten.
  2. Visit a URL shortening service such as Bitly or TinyURL.
  3. Paste the long URL into the provided field on the website.
  4. Click the "Shorten" or "Generate" button to create a shortened version of the link.
  5. Copy the newly generated short URL.
  6. Share or use the short URL as needed.

By using a URL shortening service, you can create a more concise and user-friendly link for sharing on social media, in emails, or anywhere else you need to provide a link.